Deciding on whether to extend credit to a potential customer, increase the credit line of a present client, or to stop selling to one is by no means an easy decision in today’s uncertain economy. Credit reports enable you to evaluate if you are going to get paid—the bottom line. The reports demonstrate the company/owner’s management proficiency. Are there bankruptcies, state/federal tax liens, judgments or collections? How are other suppliers paid? What are the historical payment trends? All questions that need to be considered before saying YES.
Both Experian and Equifax provide comprehensive business credit information on more than 24 million businesses. Their reports include highly predictive credit risk scores built on trade credit, public record filings, and banking/leasing payment history. Also available are consumer and commercial blended solutions for a more complete picture of the business credit risk. They also provide valuable avenues to monitor and manage your account portfolio to help stop losses and improve your cash flow.
Equifax Credit Industry Report Plus (PDF)
This report contains expanded summary level metrics and detailed payment history for both trade and service accounts (non-financial accounts) and banking and leasing accounts (financial accounts). It also contains public records, firmographics, and a listing of related businesses. This report summarizes key information about the business and categorizes tradeline data by credit grantor industry or financial product type.
Equifax Business Credit Report (PDF)
Receive a business profile, public records, and historical payment information from financial institutions as well as non-financial suppliers for a comprehensive picture of the business credit worthiness.
Equifax Business Principal Report (PDF)
This report provides personal credit information about the business owner or personal guarantor from the Equifax consumer credit database.
Equifax Account Triggering (PDF)
Receive automatic account notifications when significant negative changes happen so that a response can be made to help minimize risk and losses. This monitoring service is a great tool to help manage your account portfolio.
This provides reliable credit information on Canadian businesses with a payment performance score, payment performance trends, credit risk score and other key information for fast and reliable analysis of the credit risk for both prospects and existing customers. They are available Online/Instant.
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