Commercial Collections

Commercial Collections – Everywhere

  • Free Advisory Service
  • Same Day Service
  • Phone Calls on all Balances
  • Preferred Fee Schedule
  • Weekly Remittance
  • Monthly Status Reports
  • Report to Experian
  • Maintain Trust Accounts
  • Licensed & Bonded
  • Certified by IACC and CCA of A
  • Outsourcing Campaigns

We believe the second most important consideration of a good collection service (#1 being recovering monies due) is to keep the credit executive informed. That is why we update you immediately after our initial contact with your debtor. As the collection process continues, you should always be able to open your file and know the status of your past due customer.

Every account, regardless of the balance, is set up the same day received and phone calls made on all immediate action claims.

We offer a Free Advisory Service for large balance accounts where we pre-check for negative or positive information prior to placement and negotiate a favorable rate on balances over $10,000. We also report commercial accounts to Experian Business Credit at your option.

All fees are contingent upon collection. If warranted, a preferred fee schedule may be discussed for volume accounts.

MSCCM has been active in collecting commercial debt since 1988 and is an authorized agent for Experian and Equifax. We are licensed, bonded and are certified members in good standing of the Commercial Collection Agencies of America (CCA of A) and the International Association of Commercial Collectors (IACC).

When to employ a Collection Agency

  • When indebtedness is 90 – 120 days delinquent
  • When inquiry disclosed serious customer financial reverses, falling sales or other creditor collection action.
  • When costs of your own personnel’s efforts do not justify further time investment.
  • When a customer demonstrates bad faith and loses credibility.


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Commercial Collection Agencies of America

International Association of Commercial Collectors

MSCCM is one of only a handful of agencies that are certified by both the IACC and CCA of A.

Reasons why you should work with an agency that is certified:

Our professional practices will help attain maximum dollar recovery.

Prompt remittance of funds to creditors.

On-going oversight to ensure adherence to a rigorous Code of Ethics.

Minimum $300,000 surety bond for your protection.

Maintenance of separate Trust Accounts for collected funds.

Reputable collection procedures that maintain your customers’ good will.

The agency has been in business for a minimum of five years.

Agency executives are required to attend yearly seminars and educational meetings.

Assistance choosing legal counsel when necessary.

For more information on these services, please contact us.